On February 15, 1994, official representatives of the five Ukrainian Orthodox parishes in Edmonton signed a Resolution of Agreement and Guarantee. This Agreement created St. Stephen's Cemetery owned and operated by the Council of Ukrainian Orthodox Churches of Edmonton (CUOCE), an organization registered under the Societies Act of the province of Alberta.
In 1998, 80 acres of land were purchased in northeast of Edmonton along the Manning Freeway. This was the beginning of the establishment of the Cemetery. At this time, 45 acres are being developed with the remaining 35 acres being leased as farm land. Of the 45 acres, only four acres are designated as Ukrainian Orthodox with a total of 1,600 plots. The rest are for the general community to accommodate:
- Conventional burials
- In-ground cremation burials
- Columbarium niche interments of cremated remains
- Nature trail interment of cremated remains
- A green burial garden
- A field of honour for veterans and spouses.
To date, the work that has been completed includes:
- Two focal points and the field of Honour
- Building of two kilometres of roads
- Construction of the administration office and maintenance building
- Putting up a sign along the Manning Freeway
- Placement of four columbaria
- Development of Nature Trail
- Development of Green Burial site
- Erection of permanent sign along Manning Drive.